chikyblonde's Diaryland Diary


Dag Blasted Neighbor's

I need to add an entry...

It's been an interesting week so far. My electric bill will be $100 this month. So far it's $95 and some change. I know how to calculate my electric bill now. Isn't that sad?!


I was up last night at 3:15 (thankx for emailing me back...I get the point. I've driven you off and ok. I'll leave you alone). Mind you I went to bed at 11:30ish after doing a real good bible study and then I'm woken up at 3:15 by the sound of my neighbor's stereo. I laid there for about half an hour thinking he'd turn it down.

Got up, beat on the wall, laid back down. 15 minutes go by...still not turned down. Get up, beat on the bathroom wall, lay back down. He turns it down just a bit. Then since I'm up, I'm tossing and turning. My heater is kicking on and off every 5 minutes (because it's really cold out) and it's waking me up. 4:45 rolls around, music gets turned back up loud. Beat on the wall, scream, yell, get back in bed begin to cry...he's not turning it down. I go into the living room and called mike sobbing.

One of my pet peeves...getting woke up out of good sleep unnaturally (dogs barking, stereo's loud, etc...) So at 5 he turns his stereo off and proceeds to do laundry. I fall asleep for about half an hour and then I have to get up.

So I get up and get ready for work and decide ok, I need to talk to him about this (this isn't the first night I've beaten on the walls at o'dark thirty.) So I go warm up my car and ring his door bell. He doesn't convienent. I know. He doesn't answer. GRRRRRRRR.

I am very tired today and don't think I can go through another night of his music blaring again. I am going to see if he's home at lunch today and then talk to him nicely about it. I hate confrontation but I took a class on it back in TX and I know the key is not blame so I'll try. He's had to beat on my walls a couple of times but it wasn't at 3 in the morning. And I kinda don't like it.


Tomorrow I leave for NM. I'm going to miss my cats tremendously. Mike's going to stay and watch them. I told him he can stay the night if he wants. Better to leave it open then say yes stay or no don't. I'm looking forward to getting out of here for 4 days though.

Well, I'm going to go to lunch and then let you all know about my study. It's really good.

2:18 p.m. - December 14, 2004


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