chikyblonde's Diaryland Diary


I Love Big Cities!!!

Well...update long overdue! Last night we got back from New Mexico. It was a 13 hour drive!!! Long and I'm very tired. Then Mike calls to tell me he lost the keys to my car. He had them because I let him detail my car (which should've taken one day and then he was to put the keys in my took 3 and he lost the keys) so I have to get a new key cut from the dealership. Oh well. I'm not really that mad about it. I guess I expect this out of him.

The wedding was alright. Jennifer was bridezilla. We all kinda just sat back and let her do her thing. If she needed help, we were there. Some people were trying too hard to help out and it got real anal. I'm glad it's over.

I got my nails done for $20 though!! I miss having them done. The reception was pretty boring. Most people left right after dinner. Then later that night, I was hanging out at my dad's hotel because all the family came down and that's where they were staying. We decided let's call Trav and see what they're doing! So we called Jenn & Trav on their seperate cell phones and they actually answered. Me and my aunt starting yelling in the phone, "Git 'er done, Trav! Git 'er done!" It was soooo funny. He was like, "Hello? Who is this?" And we'd say it again then hung up.

My dad was talking to Jen and he was like, "Um yeah, this is your uncle Bob calling. Hello Jennifer?" Over and over. Then they realized it was us and my stepmom called Trav back (she blew the fun of it really) and talked to him a bit. Then after that, dad said Jen was pretty hammered, they had like 3 bottles of champagne already. She was telling him that we should all come over and they had a pull out bed to sleep on. My dad was like, "Why are you answering your phone. Aren't you enjoying the festivities of the evening?" She told him "What makes you think we haven't already..." That's a gross thing to say to your father-in-law but it was funny.

I really wanted to go out and visit Albuquerque but we didn't have time. I wanted to go out but no one else did and the visit wasn't about me anyway. I really like big cities. It was sooo much fun. I want to travel. I'm going to save up some money and take a vacation this summer somewhere. I loved the huge shopping centers and just seeing different people. Here in town all we have is a few select groups of people. But in NM I got to see real goths, skaters, punks, was really neat to meet new people.


I missed my kitties though. I got home and Zoey kinda just stared at me with her tail all puffed up. They did fine. I am sooo sleepy though.

Oh! Rose, the night gal just brought us some christmas presents!!! I got an awesome techno trance music mix cd. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Love it, Love It, LOVE IT!!!! I like to workout to this music, run to it, dance to it. MMMmmmmm. Best christmas present so far!!! That sure perked me up. She's a fun gal. We're going to go to a Techno club sometime. Yeah...

Let's see, got a new key for my car now, sent off the last christmas present...

(*wink, wink*)

..and I'm spent. Well, I'm going to have to close for now. Lots of catch up work to do!!

2:18 p.m. - December 20, 2004


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