chikyblonde's Diaryland Diary



The banners distract me sometimes...

Yeah, i don't know if it's better to crave sweets or carbs for that one cruel week a month.

Usually I'm all about the Ding-Dongs, Ho Ho's, raspberry twinkies, chocolate pies, etc....

Not this month. I want spaghetti, pizza, ramen noodles, and I would absolutely KILL for some grits with butter and sugar and toast on the side. Wheat toast. With butter and strawberry jelly. Mmmmmmmmmm.

I think i might make some pancakes tonight for dinner.

It's sprinkling outside and that kinda sucks cuz i wnated to go outside. Oh well.

I LOOOVE these cargo pants. Absolutely LOOOVE them. Sooo comfy. I'm gonna go buy 2 other pairs this week. The tan ones and the black ones. Cuz i would so look rockin' in the black ones with my pink & black stripped tube top. Yeaaaaaah.

I'm still pretty tired. i don't know if that's maybe why I'm craving the carbs....cuz i need the energy...or what.

Eh whatever.

OH CRAP.....I ran out of friggin money on my account before I could download Mnemic. I want both albums...and I can't have them. oh well

I'm boring and bored so peace out

10:20 a.m. - July 18, 2005


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